memorable scene where Munni inserts a banana into the exhaust pipe of a
jeep in order to hitch a ride poses a really big question. How on earth
did the Jeep even start, if there was something blocking the pipe?
memorable scene where Munni inserts a banana into the exhaust pipe of a
jeep in order to hitch a ride poses a really big question. How on earth
did the Jeep even start, if there was something blocking the pipe?
the movie showed Chand Nawab’s video going viral on Youtube, thus
helping Munni reach her home, but the funny thing – YouTube is banned in
How on Earth can Chand Nawab receive a call when a
Quawwali is being played on loudspeakers and befool police that he is
not there? Are the police super fools or is Nawazuddin’s phonesuperhi-tech?
Though the movie showed Munni’s home to be in hills, the reality is that her home, Narowal, is a plain land in Punjab, Pakistan!
Pakistani train shown in Nawazuddin’s ‘viral’ reporting is factually a
wrong one. Pakistani trains are never blue, always green.
Salman’s skipping through fences at Pakistan’s border explains how he
reached the neighbour country without a Visa, how Salman survived with
Indian currency in Pakistan is still a mystery unsolved.
Salman’s skipping through fences at Pakistan’s border explains how he
reached the neighbour country without a Visa, how Salman survived with
Indian currency in Pakistan is still a mystery unsolved.