Herbs to Fight Arthritis Pain

Like aloe vera, eucalyptus is widely available in western markets. It
is used in oral medications, and
topical oil extracts are used for a variety of conditions. Topical forms
of eucalyptus leaves are used to treat arthritis pain. These plant
leaves contain tannins, which may be helpful in reducing swelling and
the resulting pain that arthritis causes. Some users follow up with heat
pads to maximize the effects of eucalyptus on swollen joints.

You may have ginger in your spice cabinet for cooking, but this herb
is also a staple in many alternative
medicine cabinets. The same compounds that give ginger its strong flavor
are also the same ones that have anti-inflammatory properties. The NCCAM says that early studies in reducing joint swelling with ginger in RA are promising. However, limited human trials have yet to prove the effectiveness of this treatment.