Benefits of Aloo Bukhara for Diabetes
Benefits of Aloo Bukhara for Diabetes
- It contains proper amount of soluble dietary fibers which helps in
maintaining the normal blood sugar level by regularizing the absorption
of glucose in blood. - Plum prevents from type-2 diabetes by boosting the insulin sensitivity in the body.
Benefits of Aloo Bukhara for Skin
- Aloo Bukhara is the rich source of vitamin A and beta-carotene which
are the most essential elements for the skin health thus it helps in
nourishing the proper skin health if eaten on regular basis.
- It prevents skin from various skin problems like blemishes, eczema, acne and etc.
- It provides skin a radiant glow, soft and supple touch.
- Prune prevents skin from the dryness and roughness including other facial skin problems by providing it a natural freshness.
- It also provides relief from the dark and black lips problem if
fresh peeled plum is rubbed on the lips and gives lip a soft and pink
look. - Plum prevents skin cells damage by protecting it from the harmful UV sun rays.
- Vitamin C found in it protects skin from various seasonal infections.