Avocados for Weight Loss
Health Benefits

Even if you eat more avocado than you should, you still provide your body with health benefits. Avocados have been studied extensively in part because the Hass Avocado Board funds much of the research. For this reason, it can be tricky to discern whether it is avocados specifically or any type of healthy-fat food (such as nuts, seeds, or olive oil) that provides the benefit that is studied during a clinical trial or review.
Three particular areas of interest are avocado’s impact on diabetes, cholesterol or heart health, and weight management.
A long disproven, yet still persistent dietary fallacy is the simplistic belief that we get fat just by eating fat.
The way that the fatty acids we consume in our diet affect whether we
gain or lose weight is much more complex than that. Lumping them all
together, as many dietitians and doctors are still doing, is almost
certainly contributing to the obesity epidemic in the UK and around the
developed world.