We underestimate rats so much, we overlook them and even allow them to live with us for months or years, but in reality, they are agents of Shaitan. They are known as Far’ah but The Prophet salallahu alayhi wassalam termed them ‘Fuwaysiqah’ evil doers in Hadeeth. Most houses that suddenly starts burning without a known cause might be as a result of rats in it. If a rat once wanted to burn the prophet’s house, then whose house is safe?
Ibn โAbbas said: A mouse (or rat) came one night and started dragging the wick (of the lantern). It threw the lantern in front of rasuluLlah salallahu alayhi wassalam, on the mat in which he was sitting, and it burnt a portion like the size of a dirham. He said: โWhen you are going to sleep, extinguish your lamps, for the Shaytaan will order creatures such as this to do something like this so that you will be burned.โ (Sunan Abu Dawood, 5427)
A rat once burnt a companion along with all his family and wiped out the entire lineage in one night. Abu Moosa al-Ashโari said: A house in Madeenah got burned down along with all the people inside. When the prophet heard about it, he said: “This fire is an enemy to you, so when you go to sleep, extinguish it.โ(Bukhari/Muslim)
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Jabir ibn Abdillah said, the prophet said:
Cover your utensils and tie your water skins, close your doors and keep your children close to you at night, because the Jinns spread out at such time and snatch things away. When you go to bed, off your lights, for the evil-doer (the rat) may drag the wick of the candle and burn all the dwellers of the house. (Saheeh Bukhari 3316).
Rats are so dangerous to humans that they are one of the five animals that are Halal to be killed everywhere including in the sacred Ka’bah or during Ihram. They also consume food and cause plagues, if with all these reasons, you are still afraid of killing them, then live with them as co-tenants and expect the consequences.๐พ